
Classically Scottish, like me! 

I have used this recipe various times, in various ways. But this is the classic Macrae family shortbread recipe. Enjoy, and don't forget to share it with your friends and family.


340g plain flour

250g butter

115g caster sugar

115g corn flour

2 tsp vanilla

2 tsp lemon juice


Put your oven on to 175ºC/350ºF/Gas 4

Get a bowl. Put everything in this bowl. Mix it with your hands. 

Take it out the bowl once it has become a dough, then put onto a lightly floured surface. I like to split the mixture in half as it makes it easier. Roll the mix into a sausage about an inch an a half in diameter (to be fair, you can make it any size you want, it's your shortbread). 

Slice 1 inch thick pieces and lay them on a baking tray, evenly spaced. Bake them in the oven for 10-15 minutes, until the bottoms are slightly brown. 

Take out, cool on a wire rack. While they are cooling, sprinkle some caster sugar over the top. 

Eat and enjoy! 

See you soon

Colin x

p.s. here is a song to remind you how it's done. It's old, but gold! 


Tiny Pumpkin Breads


Mini Oreo cheesecakes